Catalysts For Leadership Growth and Adaptability: Iron Sharpens Iron

You may have heard the term, “iron sharpens iron” that is quoted from the Bible. (Proverbs 27:17), but did you know that iron in its pure form, really isn’t used to sharpen iron?

This conversation is not meant to refute the passage, but I’d like to bring some interesting insight. To sharpen a tool with iron, the early blacksmiths discovered that if they were to submerge the tools into hot coals, the tool would become more sturdy.

As a matter of fact, iron is too soft in its pure form to use as a tool. Tools made of iron are actually an alloy, which means that it is mixed with different metals for strength and adaptability. 

Iron is sharpened when other materials are used to strengthen and smooth out the metal for its optimal use.

You may be asking, okay, Bonita, I thought you were a leadership coach, why are you talking about metals??

I assure you that I am not changing professions! lol

As I began to think about the process of developing effective leaders the phrase, “iron sharpens iron” popped into my head. Leadership growth is definitely a process and requires refining and redefining especially as we continue to navigate the current corporate climate. 

The level of uncertainty, insecurity, and instability is challenging to say the least.

There are tools that can only be developed if and when you allow yourself to be supported, challenged, and uplifted through experiences that are beyond your natural routine. In the words of Oprah, “What I know for sure” is that the process of learning, developing, and expanding into the leader that you were designed to be is a continuous journey.

As I mentioned, iron which is devoid of a mixture of other metals and materials is not useful as a tool in its pure form because it is too soft-it’s not adaptable. In comparison, the compound of effective leadership is the mixture of various perspectives, experiences, and references which produces an effective tool for clear vision, direction, and collaborative teams.

In a July, 2021 McKinsey article “Everyone needs more of this one skill,” the author writes: 

“Strengthening adaptability is most important when things are stressful. Adaptability is a cornerstone to thrive in the volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment of the 21st century global economy, as employees return to the office and face new unknowns at an increasing pace. Paradoxically, this is the hardest time to do so, as people can become even more rigid in old habits and mindsets when under stress.” July 26, 2021

The daily demands and responsibilities in organizations make it difficult to maintain a broad view of the importance of skill development and growth in team dynamics.

When was the last time that you ventured to learn something new?

When was the last time that you were challenged to shift your paradigm?

When was the last time that you put yourself in an environment to elevate your ways of being?

When was the last time you leaned into curiosity concerning others?

AWN Leadership Consulting provides a “mixture of materials” that support leaders and teams to develop, strengthen, and refine the skills and mindset shifts that challenge the status quo.

We facilitate sharing of various points of view that provide a space for vulnerability, creativity, and adaptability.

Are you ready for you and your team to be sharpened and refined?

Contact us today for a Needs Assessment Call.

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